Symphonic Band

Full year 

Throughout their time in Symphonic Band, students will further develop and expand their skills on a band instrument. Students are expected to have a high level of self-motivated learning and effective collaborative skills. The Symphonic Band learns exciting, interesting and challenging music, and includes opportunities for students to perform for the school and wider community. Additionally, students may, through an external audition, participate in music festivals throughout Asia, such as the AMIS Middle School Honor Band Festival and the AMIS Online Solo Festival.

In particular, students will:

  • Enhance their joy of making music
  • Share in the experience of performing with their peers
  • Develop ensemble skills including the role and importance of their instrument within the total ensemble
  • Develop skills that will allow for solo performance
  • Develop skills that enhance performance in smaller ensembles
  • Learn about and use music software and technology
  • Develop and use organizational, teamwork, and leadership skills
  • Perform for audiences on a regular basis
  • Develop efficient practice habits
  • Collaborate with their peers frequently in class

Learning will be guided by the following questions:

  • What makes an outstanding musical ensemble?
  • What makes a rehearsal great?
  • What makes a performance outstanding?
  • How do students respond to interactions with a conductor?
  • How does individual preparation contribute to an ensemble?
  • How might various interpretations of music notation impact the performance and/or expression? 

Prerequisites/notes: Several years of playing a band instrument, and/or permission of the conductor, and/or performance audition.

Click here for a video introduction to the course.

Contact: Dr Pihowich - or Mr Ward -