SPICE Rotations

Grade 6 Art

(6/7 week rotation)

In this course, students will engage in a variety of 2D and 3D art media including drawing, painting, clay, and printmaking. Students will be challenged to apply their creativity through specific techniques and concepts discussed in class. All work is documented and shared by way of an online art portfolio that is designed and maintained by individual students.

Students will:

  • Explore and develop personal ideas and concepts
  • Engage in a variety of art processes including drawing, painting and sculpture.
  • Be exposed to historical and contemporary artists as well as artwork from various cultures and traditions
  • Reflect on their own work and the work of others
  • Create and maintain an online art portfolio

Some sample questions the students will explore during this course:

  • How does art affect my everyday life?
  • How does observation help me draw?
  • What are the unique characteristics of clay work and what can I express through this medium?
  • How does a printed image influence the way I look at art and my surroundings?
  • How do artists inspire us to create?

Grade 6 Drama

(6/7 week rotation)

Students get an opportunity to be exposed to the joys and challenges of drama through a wide range of ensemble-based performance activities. The course is designed to give students an overview of what drama is about and training in helpful life skills such as public performance, being a respectful audience member, building self-confidence, feeling comfortable with their vocal and physical abilities, and working together in small groups.

Students will:

  • Create a range of storytelling performances
  • Perform in various forms of physical theater
  • Experience the process of improvising and refining creative choices
  • Develop ensemble and collaboration skills in several performance projects

Some sample questions the students will explore during this course:

  • How do I grow a passion to communicate?
  • What does it take to be a successful drama ensemble?
  • In what way is acting risky business?
  • What does it take to create a successful storytelling experience

Grade 6 Religion 

( 6/7 week rotation)

Students explore Old Testament stories that form the foundation of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths and build an understanding of the Bible as an overarching narrative. This study will prepare them for the New Testament explorations that will follow. 

In this course, they will investigate key issues related to scriptures, with special reference to the major stories, themes, and important figures of the Old Testament. Learning will focus on some important lessons of the Old Testament. Students will learn that life is God’s gift to people whom he created and loves, who have free will to choose between what builds and what hurts. They will also learn how God helps people in their choices, through generations of messengers, culminating in the promise of a Messiah, believed by Christians to be Jesus Christ.

Students will:

  • Explore key ideas through questioning and discussions.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts with supporting evidence.

Some questions the students will explore during this course:

  • What do I believe and value?
  • What do our actions reveal about our beliefs?
  • Who do Christians believe God is?
  • How do Christians understand God’s role in the creation of the world?
  • What do Christians believe is humanity’s essential problem and its remedy?

Grade 6 Culinary Arts

( 6/7 week rotation)

The 'Introduction' class in Culinary Arts provides students with a basic foundational level for cooking and baking. Students explore different kitchen tools and food preparation methods while developing safe practices in a professional kitchen. They can walk away from this class with basic cutting and cooking skills and the knowledge to prepare simple, healthy snacks and dishes.

Grade 6 Computing to Learn

(6/7 week rotation)

Computing to Learn engages learners with computers and technology in new creative ways. Students will learn basic block programming skills by exploring and coding in a web-based platform Through digital fabrication, students will build and design in a virtual 3D space to learn about innovation. Using game design, students will learn about physical computing and apply their programming knowledge from earlier in the course to create engaging games for their peers. Course outcomes also include developing confidence to apply new skills and knowledge to other areas of learning.

Grade 6 Health and Wellbeing

( 6/7 week rotation)

Middle School Health & Wellbeing at HKIS focuses on balance, as students learn the different domains of wellness - physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual - that help us stay happy, healthy and well. The foundation of the program is centered on skills-based instruction, with the development of lifelong health literacy skills.

Students will learn about:

  • Self management of health enhancing behaviors. Content includes: stress management, mindfulness and recognising emotions. 
  • Accessing valid and reliable information. Content includes: the growth, development and social/emotional changes during adolescence.
  • Analyzing the influence of media, culture and values on personal health behaviors and decision making. Content includes: effects of appearance ideals on health and wellbeing and how to build confidence, and self-esteem.