Social Studies

Full year

Social Studies fosters students’ understanding of and involvement in practical and ethical issues that face their communities and humankind. The course is an issues-focused, inquiry-based interdisciplinary subject that draws upon Geographic and Economic concepts. In Grade 7, students developed inquiry, research, and communication skills, as well as the skills necessary to become active and responsible citizens.

Students will:

  • Investigate geographic, economic, and cultural factors that shape our world
  • Develop inquiry and ethical research skills
  • Nurture critical thinking and collaborative problem solving skills
  • Apply and transfer learning to their own lives

Some sample enduring understandings which students will explore:

  • Geographical literacy is a fundamental skill in our world.
  • Economic systems develop and change because of scarcity and society’s response to these economic questions:
    • What to produce?
    • How to produce?
    • For whom to produce?