
Full year

In Grade 6 Science, students and teachers engage in learning activities centered around these beliefs. Through the content units of Forces and Motion, Body Systems, Matter and Energy, and Weather and Climate, students are expected to:

  • Be inquisitive and to ask questions
  • Develop and use models
  • Construct explanations of phenomena
  • Plan and carry out investigations
  • Analyze and interpret data
  • Engage in argument from evidence
  • Design, test and modify solutions to problems
  • Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

As teachers facilitate learning in a more constructivist environment, we expect students to engage with/in: project based learning, laboratory practices, discussion, research, writing activities, technology, engineering design, reflection on learning and an analysis of human impact on Earth. In doing so, students find answers and develop new questions while uncovering understanding from essential questions such as:

  • How can forces move and protect objects?
  • How are forces related to energy?
  • How do things inside our bodies work together to make us able to do what we do?
  • How does the structure of living things relate to their function?
  • What makes up the world around us?
  • How do changes in energy affect the movement and structure of matter?
  • How do models help us predict weather and climate patterns?
  • How do humans change the planet?