Full year
The HKIS math department utilises the resources from Open Up Resources as our course of study for Integrated Math I, II, and, III. The Open Up Resources Course Guide outlines the scope of Integrated Math I as follows:
The Integrated Math I course is written to align with the first of three courses in the integrated pathway of the High School Common Core State Standards. Each of the three courses, Integrated Math I, Integrated Math II, and Integrated Math III contain standards from number and quantity, algebra, function, geometry, and statistics and probability. The major purpose of Integrated Math I is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the Compacted Grade 6 & 7 Math courses including working with linear and exponential functions, solving systems of equations and inequalities, using rigid transformations to explain geometric relationships, and analyzing data. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, create mathematical learning experiences based upon reasoning and sense-making, building perseverance and problem-solving skills, and rich in mathematical discourse. (Open Up Resources - course overview)
Students will:
Engage in extensive problem-solving activities
Gain a clear understanding of mathematical concepts by engaging in critical thinking and teacher facilitated discussions
Develop a deep and enduring grasp of mathematical principles and procedures, and apply this knowledge to novel situations
Strengthen their communication skills by discussing mathematical concepts, listening to peers' ideas, justifying their own reasoning verbally and in writing, and by critiquing others' arguments
Develop flexible thinking by applying mathematical skills in various contexts and independently tackling unfamiliar problems