
Full year

The HKIS math department utilises the Illustrative Mathematics resource as our course of study for Grades 6-7. The Illustrative Mathematics Course Guide outlines the scope of Grade 7 Mathematics as follows:  

In Grade 7 Mathematics, students begin the course with transformational geometry. They study rigid transformations and congruence, then scale drawings, dilations, and similarity (this provides background for understanding the slope of a line in the coordinate plane). Next, they expand their ability to work with linear equations in one and two variables and deepen their understanding of equivalent expressions. They then build on their understanding of proportional relationships from the previous course to study linear relationships. They express linear relationships using equations, tables, and graphs, and make connections across these representations. Building on their understanding of a solution to an equation in one or two variables, they understand what is meant by a solution to a system of equations in two variables. They apply their understanding of linear relationships to contexts involving data with variability. They learn that linear relationships are an example of a special kind of relationship called a function. They extend the definition of exponents to include all integers, and in the process codify the properties of exponents. They learn about orders of magnitude and scientific notation in order to represent and compute with very large and very small quantities. They encounter irrational numbers for the first time and informally extend the rational number system to the real number system, motivated by their work with the Pythagorean Theorem. (Illustrative Mathematics - course overview) 

Students will:

  • Engage in extensive problem-solving activities
  • Gain a clear understanding of mathematical concepts by engaging in critical thinking and teacher facilitated discussions
  • Develop a deep and enduring grasp of mathematical principles and procedures, and apply this knowledge to novel situations
  • Strengthen their communication skills by discussing mathematical concepts, listening to peers' ideas, justifying their own reasoning verbally and in writing, and by critiquing others' arguments
  • Develop flexible thinking by applying mathematical skills in various contexts and independently tackling unfamiliar problems