Dragon Band

Full year 

Students with at least one year of experience playing a band instrument have the opportunity to continue their musical studies and to develop their performance skills further. Students will perform a variety of exciting and challenging music in a group setting. They will have the opportunity to perform in concerts for their peers and the school community. Additionally, students may, through an external audition, participate in music festivals throughout Asia, such as the AMIS Middle School Honor Band Festival and the AMIS Online Solo Festival.

Students will:

  • Share in the experience of performing with a large group of their peers.
  • Develop the skills necessary to perform individually on their instruments
  • Learn about and use music software
  • Perform for audiences

Learning will be guided by the following questions:

  • What makes an outstanding musical ensemble?
  • What makes a performance outstanding?
  • What is a good sound on an instrument?
  • How does individual preparation contribute to an ensemble?

Prerequisites/notes: Proficiency on one’s instrument to the level equivalent to the successful completion of Beginning Band, and/or permission of the conductor, and/or performance audition. Enthusiasm for playing a band instrument. Enthusiasm for making music with others.

Click here for a video introduction to the course.

Contact: Dr Pihowich - mpihowich@hkis.edu.hk or Mr Ward - chward@hkis.edu.hk