Concert Band

Full year 

Students will further develop their skills on a band instrument while playing in an ensemble. Students will rehearse a wide variety of music and have opportunities to perform these for the school and wider community. Additionally, students may, through an external audition, participate in music festivals throughout Asia, such as the AMIS Middle School Honor Band Festival and the AMIS Online Solo Festival.

Students will:

  • Enhance their joy of making music independently and with their peers
  • Develop ensemble skills and their understanding of their instrument’s role and the role of others in the ensemble
  • Develop solo skills on their instrument
  • Learn to utilize specific music software/technology
  • Use technology as a fun practice tool and to record assignments at home
  • Develop organizational and teamwork skills
  • Perform as a band throughout the year at organized concerts and school gatherings
  • Develop efficient practice habits

Learning will be guided by the following questions:

  • What makes a good band sound great?
  • Is there more to a song than the melody?
  • Is there more to making music than just playing the notes?
  • How do students respond to and interact with a conductor?
  • What makes a performance outstanding?
  • Does focused practice make playing in band more enjoyable?

Prerequisites/notes: Students must have an interest in music and enthusiasm to play a band instrument. Students should have at least one year of experience on their band instrument. In special situations, some students may be considered to join the Concert Band with no prior band experience with permission from the conductor.

Click here for a video introduction to the course.

Contact: Dr Pihowich - or Mr Ward -